Living the Reclaimed Life

7 Questions to Help You Study Your Bible ~ Keith Ferrin Ep. 130

Episode 130

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 What if you had 7 simple questions at your fingertips to help you bring the Bible to life as you read it? Here with us again is Keith Ferrin, Your Bible coach. Many of us struggle to read or understand the Bible. Keith is passionate about helping you enjoy your Bible, I can’t wait for you to hear from him! 

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[00:00:00] Denisha: What if you had seven simple questions at your fingertips to help bring the [00:00:05] Bible to life as you read it here with us again is Keith Barron, [00:00:10] your Bible coach. Many of us struggle to read or understand the Bible. [00:00:15] And Keith is passionate about helping you enjoy your Bible. I can't wait for you to hear [00:00:20] from him before we get started.

Our passion at Reclaim Story is to [00:00:25] help you heal from the pain of your past so that your story becomes your strength. [00:00:30] In a hustle culture, we tend to stuff our pain and move on to the next [00:00:35] thing that life throws at us. But what if there was a safe place to work through the [00:00:40] pain and disappointments that life has thrown your way?

I want to invite you to [00:00:45] join us for a new song, Life Groups. These 12 week intensive [00:00:50] online small groups are led by Qualified professionals where you will be with other women [00:00:55] healing together in community. If you are ready to begin or [00:01:00] continue your healing journey, join us by going to our website, reclaim [00:01:05], and click on the blue button, fill out the interest form.

We hope you [00:01:10] will join us on this journey beginning this August now Let's [00:01:15] learn seven questions to ask when reading your Bible from your Bible coach [00:01:20] Keith Barron Welcome to living the reclaimed life podcast. I'm [00:01:25] Denisha We're glad you're here for conversations that revive hope inspire healing [00:01:30] and encourage you to live a vibrant life with Christ So grab a cup of coffee [00:01:35] as we chat with today's guest I have the pleasure of welcoming back to the [00:01:40] podcast, Keith Farron, your Bible coach.

I'm going to keep saying that because you are [00:01:45] now our Bible coach. 

[00:01:46] Keith: Happy to be pretty fun. 

[00:01:49] Denisha: It [00:01:50] is. And if you miss the last episode, be sure to jump in and listen to [00:01:55] that. Keith went over some great ways that we can enjoy reading our Bible and [00:02:00]just different things that maybe we've never thought about. So we're excited to have you back [00:02:05] today.

And today we're going to talk about seven simple questions to help you as you study [00:02:10] any Bible passage. So Before we jump into that, just in case someone [00:02:15] missed the last episode, Keith, tell us a little bit about yourself. You're an author. You're a [00:02:20] speaker authored 16 books. Almost you guys. It's pretty amazing.

Speaks all over [00:02:25] the world. Not trying to steal your thunder, but you're kind of a legend in a lot of ways. [00:02:30] And so tell us a little bit about you. If someone missed the last episode. 

[00:02:34] Keith: Most importantly, [00:02:35] I'm a husband to one and a father to three. So we. Got three kids, one graduated from [00:02:40] college, one in college, one in high school.

And my wife and I, we tell people March of [00:02:45] 96 was a busy month because March 3rd is when my ministry launched. It was the [00:02:50] first time that I presented the gospel of John and started my kind of work as a biblical [00:02:55] storyteller. And then March 15th, she graduated from college and March 23rd, we got married.

So [00:03:00] that was a busy three weeks. Yeah. And I started, I was a youth and worship pastor at a small little [00:03:05] church plant in Tacoma, Washington, right out of college. So I did that for six years and then started [00:03:10] speaking and writing and at one point blogging and don't blog as much anymore. [00:03:15] My blog is now a YouTube channel that I've been doing for a couple of years.

And that's been fun. That's where [00:03:20] the, your Bible coach came from and been doing that and speaking at [00:03:25] conferences and banquets and churches and universities. Anywhere you can think of. Men's [00:03:30] retreats, family camps, you name it. A lot of what I'm either doing when I present [00:03:35] is word for word biblical storytelling.

These books of the Bible or sections of scripture that I've internalized, [00:03:40] presenting those as if you've ever seen a one man storyteller, that's what that is. But for me, the [00:03:45] storytelling, since my background is not theater, my background is psychology and [00:03:50] then Bible and ministry. My passion is taking those storytelling, [00:03:55] letting that lead into conversations about how we can read, understand, trust, [00:04:00] and apply and enjoy God's word more.

Because I find for so [00:04:05] many myself, the first 20 something years, I was a Christian. And for so many, I come in contact with the [00:04:10] Bible is the one aspect of their life with Jesus that is more of a should than a want. And so I help people [00:04:15] move from should to want when it comes to reading and studying the Bible.

So that's a two minute nugget. [00:04:20]

[00:04:20] Denisha: I love it. And you're a very good example of taking it from should to [00:04:25]want, because if you missed the last episode, when you say word for word. [00:04:30] Yeah, storytelling. You are literally reciting books of the [00:04:35] Bible in front of audiences without a teleprompter, right? [00:04:40] Being the word.

And so he's really applying you guys. He's not just giving us advice on, [00:04:45] Oh, here's what you can do. Because again, in the should department, right, he really wanted to [00:04:50] just chew on and integrate God's word into his life. And here he is [00:04:55] internalizing it and even able to word for word, repeat back from [00:05:00] memory, the gospel of John or Philippians.

That to me blows my mind. I don't think I have [00:05:05] that gift of brain power of memorizing like that. But the one thing you said in [00:05:10] the last episode too, that I thought is how many songs do we have memorized? Right. I'm telling [00:05:15] you eighties, nineties songs. I am here for that. Yes. So I [00:05:20] will bet you. I know a whole lot more songs in the eighties and nineties than [00:05:25] I know, different books of the Bible.

And so that I'm not saying that's a good thing. [00:05:30] I'm just saying, look at the potential guys. There's so much more potential and you have this [00:05:35] way of making it fun. And that you, we don't read it too. As we talked about [00:05:40] too, is knowing more and behaving better. But you're actually reading it to hang [00:05:45] out with Jesus, right?

You get to know him to just hang out and be with like you would a friend [00:05:50] over coffee. What are some ways, what are some things we should be asking ourselves [00:05:55] as we dive into the word as we pick up and go, okay, I'm going to read Philippians today. What are [00:06:00] some questions we can ask ourselves to help us understand it?

You mentioned context and [00:06:05] culture and some different things. How do we do that? 

[00:06:08] Keith: Yeah, there are a couple of different. [00:06:10] Approaches one is really what I would say is the study a book of the [00:06:15] bible where you soak in it And that's really a process that I lay out in [00:06:20] You know some of my youtube videos as well as some of my books on the process that we talked about [00:06:25] last time of Spend a month with laying the foundation, kind of that analogy, building a house.

[00:06:30] You've got foundation and then framing and kind of what, what are the themes? How's it organized? That kind of thing. And then [00:06:35] finish work, which is more of the detailed study that we do. But some of what we, you and [00:06:40] I talked about having a conversation about in this episode is what do you do [00:06:45] with. Any bible passage like I find that there are times when you're doing two months [00:06:50] where you're immersing yourself in Ephesians or philippians or something like that or you might [00:06:55] be studying along with your small group something about marriage or something about money or [00:07:00] parenting or A theme like joy or perseverance or so you might be in the [00:07:05] midst of doing a deep study but there are times where you might have a week where [00:07:10] You're in between studies, you know that two weeks from now your small group is [00:07:15] going to be starting a two month journey through Galatians or something and you've got [00:07:20] some time where you're just opening up the Bible to a parable or to [00:07:25]another book of the Bible or something and so I think those are [00:07:30] frequently the times when people Lose consistency, right?

It's like [00:07:35] I've got this plan of studying this book or this topic, and then I've got this [00:07:40] week or two period where I'm in between things. We're in between a sermon series at church. We're in between [00:07:45] something with our small group. We're in between the, and so we don't do anything. And I wanted [00:07:50] to create something that was, well, what are the questions that we can ask of [00:07:55] any Bible passage at any time that will help us kind of enter into [00:08:00] it?

And so you want to just walk through those seven? 

[00:08:03] Denisha: Yeah, let's do it. Love it. [00:08:05]

[00:08:05] Keith: I'll put a link in the show notes. I'll give you a link that you can put in the show notes where people can kind of get a [00:08:10] one or two page overview of this. So if you're driving your car, Don't take notes. And [00:08:15] there is a y'all have you linked to the YouTube video where I walked [00:08:20] through this process as well.

But the first is what does this passage say [00:08:25] about who God is? But I think so often in our me [00:08:30] centric culture, we look at what is the Bible have to say to me [00:08:35] today, right now, and we kind of forget that The main [00:08:40] character in every passage of Scripture is God, [00:08:45] not us. That, is it a letter to us, or is it for us?

Sure, it [00:08:50] is. But it is primarily about us, if we're studying the Bible [00:08:55] relationally, primarily to hang out with God, primarily to be in the presence of Jesus, [00:09:00] primarily To be filled with the spirit then asking what does this passage have [00:09:05] something to say about who god is The better that I can get to know god [00:09:10] Even before I started asking questions about application and [00:09:15] response and all those other things that are important.

But if you read a passage of [00:09:20] scripture and this is the only question you answer, I feel like I've gotten to know who God is better. [00:09:25] That's time well spent. And so question number one is [00:09:30] what does this passage say about who God is? The kind of [00:09:35] immediate follow up to that is what does this passage say About what god has done.

[00:09:40] What is he doing in this is he? Interacting with a person or a group of [00:09:45] people or is he doing something that has historical background to it? Is he setting the [00:09:50] stage for something that's to come? Is it something where you know when you read? Ephesians, you [00:09:55]see so much about who God is and what God has done in that whole [00:10:00] answering that if you've now taken that step of, okay, now I know a little bit more about who God is [00:10:05] and I can see what God has done in the past or in that event or in that story [00:10:10] or in that conversation or whatever, that will lead you then to the third [00:10:15] question, which still isn't an application question.

It's what does this passage [00:10:20] say about who I am? Or what does this pass? Another way of wording that is what does this passage say [00:10:25] about your identity? Because I think so often we go to the, [00:10:30] what action am I supposed to take? And I believe that God wants us to. [00:10:35] Become something before we change our behavior that the gospel is not just [00:10:40] a gospel of behavior modification It's a gospel of identity and when [00:10:45] we look in corinthians In second corinthians 5 where he [00:10:50] says if anyone is in christ He or she is a new [00:10:55]creation He doesn't say if anyone is in Christ, he should do these things.[00:11:00]

And so I think that I remember when I was [00:11:05] writing the book that I wrote for parents about how to help our kids connect with the Bible. One of the [00:11:10] chapters in there is remind them of who the Bible says they are, not just what it says they're supposed to [00:11:15] do. Because when we live out our faith, whether it's our parents instilling something in our [00:11:20] children or whether it's ourselves, just trying to honor God with our lives.

If we live out our [00:11:25] faith from a place of identity, rather than a place of morality, everything changes [00:11:30] that if I have a conversation with my kids about morality, that's an easy [00:11:35]conversation. Hey, the Bible says, don't lie. So you need to tell the truth. That's an easy [00:11:40]conversation, but it's not a powerful or lasting conversation.

If I have a [00:11:45] conversation about what it means to be a person of integrity, that you are called to [00:11:50] be somebody whose word can be trusted, who there's power in the [00:11:55] words that come out of your mouth and therefore the true response and how we say that and how [00:12:00] we speak truth and when we speak truth and when we, Not hold back truth, but when we hold back [00:12:05] saying anything because silence is golden, right?

So it's a messier [00:12:10] conversation, but I want my kids to know that they are created to be people of [00:12:15] integrity and people of truth and people who that's who they were designed to be, not [00:12:20] just to not lie because lying is wrong. And too often I think we go to the Bible [00:12:25]with a lens of what is this saying I'm supposed to do?

What's the morality lens instead of [00:12:30] the identity lens? And I just think we're putting the cart before the horse a little bit. Which my favorite [00:12:35] example of that is certainly one of my favorite books of the Bible is Ephesians. And one of the reasons that [00:12:40] Ephesians gets preached on more than almost any other book, probably the Gospels and the Book of [00:12:45]Philippians are probably the only five books preached on more than the Book of Ephesians.

But one of the reasons it gets preached on is [00:12:50] because there is a ton in there. About how to live life [00:12:55] about marriage, about parenting, about sex, about prayer, [00:13:00] about, you know, how we work about, I mean, there's so much in there about unity, about getting [00:13:05]along, about telling the truth. I'm there's so much in there.

But what a lot of people don't realize is [00:13:10] that 100%, not 99%, 100 percent of the practical [00:13:15] advice in Ephesians is in chapters four, five, and six chapters, one, two, and [00:13:20]three are 100 percent about identity. The only active verb in the first [00:13:25] three chapters of Ephesians that applies to us. There's a lot that apply to God, who God is and what God has [00:13:30]done.

But the only active verb that applies to us is in [00:13:35] chapter two, when he says to remember. That's it. Everything else is about [00:13:40] identity. You are wanted, you are known, you are chosen, you are gifted, you are called, you are, I mean, there are [00:13:45] more than 30 identity messages in the first three chapters. And then he prays that famous [00:13:50] prayer that ends with, Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.

Right? [00:13:55] And then he says, Amen. And then the first verse of chapter four is, [00:14:00]Well, as a prisoner for the Lord, then I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. [00:14:05] And he goes into all the practice. Like, okay, here's who you are. This is what your life [00:14:10] should look like because of who you are.

And so that picture of identity leading to [00:14:15] a new life rather than just behave differently. And so what does [00:14:20] this passage say about your identity is the third question. You want me to pause for a [00:14:25] second or just keep 

[00:14:26] Denisha: saying it's so good. I like guys rewind that [00:14:30] and listen to question three again. It is so good that our life [00:14:35] flows out of our identity.

And I've never picked that up before from Ephesians that it's [00:14:40] who God is, who you are in him through him. And then here's what flows out of [00:14:45] that. I just think that that it will bring some freedom and some grace to [00:14:50] someone as they go. Maybe I need to look back at identity and who God is and who I am [00:14:55] in him before I start with the list of I need to use.

So I just, I love that you [00:15:00] can carry on to number four now, but number three is pretty powerful and life changing. 

[00:15:03] Keith: I look at questions [00:15:05] four and five as really flip sides of the same coin. So what [00:15:10] encourages you and what challenges you? So is there something encouraging in this passage, [00:15:15] something comforting, something inspirational, and what challenges you?

Is there something that, [00:15:20] wow, does challenge my thinking or my attitude or my behavior or [00:15:25] whatever it is that writing down, if you've got a journal or a digital journal or something like that, or a [00:15:30] wide margin note taking Bible or whatever you've got. But writing down, okay, what's [00:15:35] encouraging from this passage and what's challenging from this passage, I think are good [00:15:40] questions to ask of any Bible passage.

Before kind of moving on to [00:15:45] question six, I want to make it clear that the goal of this is not to take any passage, write down all [00:15:50] seven questions and make sure you have an answer. You may ask question one answer question one [00:15:55] and be done right? And there may be something that is very [00:16:00] challenging and you haven't found anything at least in that particular day.

There's nothing encouraging in there for you. [00:16:05] It may just be a challenging passage, whatever. So these are kind of [00:16:10] lenses to look at the passage through. And you may have times where you look at [00:16:15] it and there you've got all seven. And there may be times when you look at it and you answered two, but [00:16:20] again, they're just kind of lenses to look at it through.

So having said that, the sixth one [00:16:25] is really, what questions do you have? What are the answers you don't have? [00:16:30] As you look at this, what are the things you'd be like? I need to go search on YouTube for this, or I need to go ask [00:16:35] my pastor about this, or I want to bring this up when we talk about this in small group or whatever, because this is [00:16:40] confusing as anything.

I do not get it. And I find that that can lead to really good [00:16:45] discussions. If you have people that you're getting together with, whether it's a buddy that you get together with at a coffee shop once a week, [00:16:50] whether it's a small group that you're in with couples, or whether it's a Sunday school class or [00:16:55] whatever.

We're just family dinnertime or whatever. I think that those questions can lead to good [00:17:00]discussions. I also find that there are times when I'm walking through a study and [00:17:05] I create a list of questions that become an extra week of [00:17:10] study where I just take after I've kind of completed the organized study, [00:17:15] if you will, I just spend another week just doing kind of, Hey, I just want to do, [00:17:20] spend a day, spend two hours, 20 minutes or 30 minutes doing some research and a deep [00:17:25] dive on this question.

Are there other passages of scripture to talk about this? Are there other articles that have been written [00:17:30] about this or devotions or are there sermons online? Are there something that I could go deeper [00:17:35] and that can lead to a pretty cool week or two, or sometimes that turns into a month because it's something I've got a [00:17:40] lot of questions on.

You might have an extra month of study. Like I think I mentioned last episode that I [00:17:45]typically study a book of the Bible for two months and I do foundation for one month and then a book of the [00:17:50] The framing and finish work for one month when I studied Romans, it's like foundation [00:17:55] and framing spread out into two months and then four months is [00:18:00]what I ended up spending.

So I was like half a year in and I was barely getting done, but [00:18:05] lots and lots of questions. I think jotting down what questions you have. There's a lot of times we have [00:18:10] questions that we don't have time to look up the answers right then. And if we just think, Oh, I'll look at that [00:18:15] later without jotting it down.

We just forget because it was a question that we had [00:18:20] anyway. And so we just don't remember. So jotting down, what questions do I have? [00:18:25] And then the final question is where people oftentimes start is that kind of [00:18:30] application question, but I've actually shifted that instead of asking, what am I [00:18:35] going to apply?

What's the truth to apply? I just say, how will you respond? Because [00:18:40] I think that that opens up the door. For the times when there is a very [00:18:45] specific application. But I think sometimes the response is just gratitude. [00:18:50] Sometimes the response is spending time in silence or worship. Sometimes the [00:18:55] response is jotting down some notes that you want to dive more deeply into that.

[00:19:00] I think sometimes when we always ask, okay, what does this say? What does this mean? And how does [00:19:05] this apply that we're teeing ourselves up for? If we can't [00:19:10] discover that nugget of truth, that is an application point to our [00:19:15] life today. We feel like we're bad at Bible study, but I think we can always [00:19:20] respond to scripture.

It's just a different mindset to approach [00:19:25] scripture that includes application, but it doesn't make [00:19:30] our response to scripture only be application. And so that seventh question [00:19:35]is how will you respond? So what does it say about who God is? What God has done [00:19:40] is number two. What is it say about my identity is three What encourages you is [00:19:45] four or five as challenges you six is what questions do you have and seven [00:19:50] is how will you respond?

[00:19:52] Denisha: Number six, what questions do you have? [00:19:55] You know, we can't believe everything we find out online 

[00:19:58] Keith: Right for sure. 

[00:19:59] Denisha: Are [00:20:00] there a couple of resources besides Keith Farron? On YouTube. Are there a [00:20:05] couple of, because I know that's solid and I can, I can trust that. What other resources do you [00:20:10] recommend for people who are like, I want to take a deep dive.

I'm going to actually write down some questions that maybe I [00:20:15] don't understand in the text or have. 

[00:20:17] Keith: There are several. One piece of software that is [00:20:20] not free, it does cost, is Logos. L O G O S. But they have a basic [00:20:25] foundational version that has, I don't know, 800 worth of resources or something for [00:20:30] 49. So, I think that I have a link that gives you a couple extra free [00:20:35] books 100 KeithFarrin.

com slash logos, L O G O S. [00:20:40] I think that will do that. I think that's a great piece of Bible software. I do a lot of, from a [00:20:45] free standpoint, a lot of the places that I go, if I'm just comparing [00:20:50] translations, I typically go to Bible gateway. If I'm doing some study, I typically [00:20:55] either go to Bible hub. com or blue [00:21:00] letter Bible.

I don't even know the significance behind blue letter Bible. I'll have to look that up. I [00:21:05] don't know, but blue letter Bible. org. It's not. com. So blue letter [00:21:10] Bible. org and Bible hub. com are two free sites. Everything on their [00:21:15] sites is free. A lot of ads and different things. Like in the corner and blah, blah, blah, but it's free.

And they're [00:21:20] both amazing. They've got lots of commentaries and searches. And one thing [00:21:25] that I didn't even know that you were going to ask that we didn't even talk, you might not even know that I did this, but I have a friend of mine who [00:21:30] runs a software company who he built an AI tool for writers. And I was talking to him [00:21:35] about the foundation and function of it and using AI and all that kind of stuff.

And I know people are pretty [00:21:40] skeptical of it. And there's a lot of craziness that can be out there. But he [00:21:45] and I teamed together with some of my Bible study stuff and some of his software and things with [00:21:50] AI to create something called Bible Toolbox that is what we [00:21:55] call guided AI. It's hard to describe without doing like a whole screen share.[00:22:00]

If you want to do a webinar sometime for your people, we can invite people to that and I could just show it to them. [00:22:05] But it's basically a way that through dropdown menus, that's, Hey, I want to look at this translation of scripture and I [00:22:10] want to look at this passage and I want you to act as if you were a conservative.

[00:22:15] Christian theologian. And I want to do a word study on this and kind of by [00:22:20] using some dropdown menus, it puts what I call guardrails on much different than [00:22:25] if you just go to Google and you search, what does it mean? And Ephesians five, when it says this, [00:22:30] that it's really putting what that builds on the back, as far as what it sends [00:22:35] out to the AI model has so many parameters on it, [00:22:40] that it's going to give you something that You know, is [00:22:45] 98 percent going to have the stuff filtered out, which quite honestly, I would [00:22:50]certainly hope that if somebody is watching one of my videos, if somebody is reading their favorite commentary, [00:22:55] nothing I say other than quoting true scripture, nothing I [00:23:00] say, and nothing that's in a commentary is divinely inspired word of God.

So you better be [00:23:05] double checking it. You better be checking up. If you find something on Google or Bing or whatever, [00:23:10] your search engine, you find an article from some pastor that's not gospel. Right. That's, [00:23:15] I mean, I've heard some people say a commentary is nothing more than another Christian's comments on the [00:23:20] Bible.

Are they helpful? Sure, they're helpful and you better be double checking. I always go [00:23:25] back to Acts 17 when Paul is traveling and most people that go to Acts 17 go [00:23:30] right to the second half where Paul's in Athens and he's Having this conversation with the people in Athens the philosophers [00:23:35] about the unknown God and he's near to you and blah blah blah But right before that He goes [00:23:40] through this town called Berea and it says now the Bereans were of more noble character [00:23:45] than the Thessalonians for they receive the message with great eagerness and examine the scriptures [00:23:50] every day to see if what Paul said was true.

And I'm like, okay, if these average [00:23:55] everyday people in Berea are checking up daily on the theology of the [00:24:00] Apostle Paul, then you better be checking on anybody. Whether it's something you found [00:24:05] online or whether it's a commentary or whether it's whatever, just to take it. So, but [00:24:10] that's a tool, Bible Toolbox, I use it all the time.

It's amazing for doing word studies, [00:24:15] getting background, getting context, getting, I mean, because it's got access to everything [00:24:20] that's out there. And kind of people don't understand the kind of the purpose of AI is [00:24:25] to summarize the most common answers, not to give the random things. [00:24:30] Whereas if you just search on Google, somebody who is.

Totally [00:24:35] crazy and out there in left field, but has designed their website really, really well to show [00:24:40] up in search engines, be in the top rankings, even when what they're saying is crazy. [00:24:45] But with AI, it's saying, okay, when I search all these [00:24:50] sermons, this is what's been said 1500 times. [00:24:55] So I actually find that AI gives a more accurate account than a lot of [00:25:00] just.

Open searching. So 

[00:25:02] Denisha: I will toolbox 

[00:25:03] Keith: is what it's called because I'm a co [00:25:05] creator of it. I've got a special link. If you go to Keith Farron. com slash Bible [00:25:10] toolbox, all one word, it will redirect you to a page where you can get 30 percent off. [00:25:15]

[00:25:15] Denisha: And the first time you sent out an email, because I am on your email list and [00:25:20] I highly recommend subscribing to you.

The first time I got that, I [00:25:25] purchased it. And because I loved the fact there's so many different things that it can do on [00:25:30] there, whether you're looking to minister to your friend, whether you're looking to do a deep dive or whether [00:25:35] you're a content creator and putting stuff out there that you want to make sure is right and spot on.

[00:25:40] So I personally use that. I feel like I'm letting out all my personal secrets in these [00:25:45]Like he is my Bible coach and I use the Bible toolbox [00:25:50] and I think you should too. So there we go. 

[00:25:52] Keith: There you go. There you go. Yeah. It's been [00:25:55] amazing. CJ and I built it. He and I are talking all the time and I've already put another feature request.

[00:26:00] I'm like, Oh, I tried to do this and it couldn't do it. So let's change this [00:26:05] one little thing because I want to feature that, I guess I can't talk about yet because we haven't [00:26:10] added it and I don't know for sure that it's going to work. So until it's tested, but 

[00:26:13] Denisha: if it does email, I'll let you [00:26:15] know, and we'll have you back on to talk about that.

I'm happy to do 

[00:26:18] Keith: it. 

[00:26:19] Denisha: So [00:26:20] fun. Well, Keith, you have so much content out there and so much rich, rich [00:26:25] teaching. I know your YouTube channel's a great place to find you. Tell us a little [00:26:30] bit about more about what you have for us everyday people out there. 

[00:26:34] Keith: It's funny that you [00:26:35] just said for everyday people because the new video series that I just created I'm releasing it I'm [00:26:40] scheduling it right now.

Actually depending on when this goes live It might already be out on my youtube channel, [00:26:45]but I just recorded a new video series for the you version Bible app 

[00:26:49] Denisha: called 

[00:26:49] Keith: Bible [00:26:50] memorization for normal people. So connecting [00:26:55] with me on the YouVersion Bible app, you can just search my name, Keith Farrin, and you'll be notified when I release a [00:27:00] new plan or a new video series or a teaching verse of the day or something like that.

[00:27:05] YouTube is certainly the place where I'm most consistent. Uh, releasing new content there [00:27:10] every week. So you can just search again, Keith Farrin, or if you forget my last name or can't spell it, just [00:27:15] search Keith and the word Bible and you'll find it. And KeithFarrin. com is my [00:27:20] website and that's where you find information about my courses.

And I, I have a, I didn't even [00:27:25] mention this on the first episode. I have an online Bible study community. [00:27:30] For people who want to interact more regularly called the Bible life community. So if [00:27:35] you just go to keithferron. com slash try bible life all [00:27:40] one word Then that will give you your first four weeks for four dollars.

You can see what it is But then when you [00:27:45] join that You get access to all of my courses and all [00:27:50] of my books, and then we study the Bible together. And so, like, currently we're in a study on [00:27:55] the gospel. We're about to wrap up a study on the gospel of John. And so, I teach live there [00:28:00] every Monday, and we post kind of guidance, Bible study guidance and discussion [00:28:05] questions for the group every Monday through Friday.

And, and so between the [00:28:10] line, we have once a month, we just gather on zoom and we can see each other and interact and just ask questions and [00:28:15] share what we're seeing and just be a community. So it's people around the world do [00:28:20] that together. So that's the Bible life community. So you can find out more at Bible life, community.

[00:28:25] com. But if you go to Keith Farron. com slash try Bible life, that's where you'll get the. [00:28:30] When you want to register, just do that with, use that link and you'll get your first four weeks for four bucks. [00:28:35] So 

[00:28:35] Denisha: love that. And love the community aspect of that. That's great. [00:28:40] And then you version, that's pretty amazing that you're on you version.

Congratulations. [00:28:45] That's a huge, that's a big deal right there. Well, and we'll have links in the show [00:28:50] notes and you guys, yeah, definitely go check out Keith. You're going to be blessed by his content, blessed [00:28:55] by what you learn from him. And he's just a real guy who loves the Bible. [00:29:00] So it's not theologian type, you know, scary words where you're like, I have to look those up and [00:29:05] need like a dictionary.

You're a real guy who loves the word of God and has done just some [00:29:10] incredible things. And you share that with all who listen. So Thank you for what you do and be [00:29:15] sure to follow us on social media. We'll be posting a bunch of Keith stuff, um, [00:29:20] over the next couple of weeks. And, um, be sure to follow Keith as well.

So [00:29:25] Keith Farrin, F E R R I N and Keith, I would love to have you back on the [00:29:30]podcast anytime and just appreciate all that you do for all of us. 

[00:29:33] Keith: You know how to get ahold [00:29:35] of me. 

[00:29:35] Denisha: All right. I'll take you up on that. 

[00:29:38] Keith: Thank you, my friend. [00:29:40]

[00:29:40] Denisha: Thanks for listening. I pray you found hope in today's conversation and [00:29:45] maybe even feel a little less alone in your story.

Stay connected with us on Facebook [00:29:50] and Instagram at reclaimed story. Want to learn more about living a [00:29:55] reclaimed life and how you can be a part of our growing community of reclaimers? Check out our [00:30:00] website at reclaimedstory. com. All of those links and more will be in the [00:30:05] show notes. And if you enjoyed this inspirational podcast, be sure to [00:30:10]subscribe, rate, and review.

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